These puppy training classes are for puppies that are 20 weeks or younger (as soon as they are cleared by their vet to come). However, if you miss this window, we also run Older Puppy classes with the same syllabus.
Puppy Classes

A Complete Puppy Training System
Puppy School is a set of six puppy training classes lasting one hour. The comprehensive curriculum has been carefully designed to take you through all the training basics giving you a great foundation for life with your new puppy, or for any further training classes or dog sport you choose to do later.
The puppy training exercises gradually progress from easy to more complex, building on your puppy's understanding and reliability each week.
Due to the variable cost of the halls we hire to run our puppy classes, the cost of our six week course will vary. Please contact your local tutor for course price information in your area.
What will you learn in our puppy training classes?
- Come when calledOne of THE most important exercises. We will help you succeed even during distractions.
- Sit, lie down, stand on cueEasy, effective techniques to achieve quick responses every time.
- Walk on a loose lead without pullingOften tricky to teach to a lively pup but our techniques really work.
- Handling and Vet Exam PracticeGentle force-free ways to build cooperation and trust.
- ‘Stay’Rock solid stays are essential when your puppy needs to be still.
- ‘Settle’A good settle results in a puppy you can take anywhere.
- Toy play and play bitingLearning how to play fun games is key to great relationship with no play biting.
- Greeting people and other pupsCalm, happy greetings develop good manners and confidence.
- And so much more...Additional exercises, such as weigh scale practice, help complete our training for life package.
Reward-based Training
Only reward-based puppy training methods are used at Puppy School. Treats, games and praise are used to encourage puppies to be well behaved. No bullying or rough handling is tolerated.
Puppy School tutors are chosen for their people-skills as well as their puppy training abilities. Encouragement and praise are used to help you acquire the skills you need to train your puppy. No humiliation or shaming of owners will occur and all lessons are fun and sociable with a happy, friendly atmosphere.
Socialisation with others
Prolonged play with other pups can be harmful, so we take our puppy greetings very slowly, teaching you first how to teach your puppy to turn away from things of interest, and, later, from other puppies. This allows for carefully controlled, short but beautiful meetings between puppies at our puppy training classes, allowing them to make friends gradually and develop confidence.
In a similar way, puppies need to learn to be calm and happy to meet humans, so we have a special programme of introduction to other members of the class, allowing even shy puppies to feel safe when socialising, and, for those more boisterous, to learn how to greet humans appropriately without jumping.
Disease Control
Your puppy should be vaccinated prior to attending classes, and cleared by your vet to mix with other puppies. Different vets have differing views on what is the best way to protect against contagious diseases depending on local disease conditions, so it is best to let them make the decision on what is best for your puppy. If you have any doubts before booking, please get in touch with your nearest Puppy School tutor for assistance.
All puppies should be wormed with a prescription wormer before attending classes, and to reduce the risk of cross-infection, there will be no communal water bowl in class.
Small Class Sizes
We have a maximum of eight puppies in each class, sometimes less. This allows tutors to concentrate on each puppy and their family and give them one-to-one attention and coaching throughout the class. Good puppy training classes with limited numbers get booked up quickly so we recommend you reserve a place at your nearest Puppy School class as soon as you can, even before you get your puppy if possible.
Children are welcome at Puppy School classes
Under the guidance of their parents, we encourage children to attend classes to help them learn how to teach their puppy. If bringing a young child, it is advisable for two adults in the family to attend, or to bring a helper, since concentrating on a new puppy and a child, as well as taking in the lessons, may sometimes be demanding.
*Please note: we cannot guarantee the attendance of children at every class to help socialise puppies, but we do encourage families with children to bring them to class to learn how to train their puppy and to interact positively with other puppies in the class*
Exclusive Access to The Puppy Club
This private area of our site (access given on booking) contains week-by-week guidance, including videos on all techniques used in puppy training classes, together with tips and tricks to help you easily and quickly learn all the skills you need. Use it to enhance your learning journey or in case you have to miss a class and need to catch up.
Also via our incredible Good Puppy Pages, you can get amazing guidance on puppy issues of all kinds to help you raise a well-adjusted, happy and responsive puppy, using expert opinion, scientific evidence and the latest ideas. We want you and your puppy to have the best lives possible and The Puppy Club will help you achieve this.
Regular Monitoring
Classes are monitored regularly by our team of Regional Managers to ensure high standards. All Puppy School Tutors are well trained in the latest training techniques, as well as in human and animal behaviour. Regular refresher courses and an email forum for tutors ensure they stay up-to-date.
Teach them young
Puppies are more focussed on owners and try harder to please before they reach puberty (around 6 months of age) which is why we encourage you to bring your puppy to classes as soon as your vet has said it is safe for them to mix with others (i.e. when their vaccinations have ‘taken’ sufficiently). By keeping pups older than 20 weeks out of classes, we create a safer environment for the young pups so they are free to relax and learn.
Practise Makes Perfect
Puppies cannot learn enough in one hour of class each week, so devoting a few minutes for practise many times each day will really help your puppy improve. To assist you, we will send you The Puppy School Manual so you can read back through class sessions and find out what you need to practise that week.